Yo habla espanol... wait, no I don't!! We finally have the internet! It's wierd how dependent I've become on the internet. I'm connected with the outside world again! We're almost done unpacking and our house is feeling more and more like a home. I still have boxes all over because I just got my bookcases and so now those boxes and the boxes that had the books in them are laying in the middle of my floor.
Things have been crazy here. Living in Puerto Rico is an adventure for sure. They do things so wierd here! The way they do some things just does not make sense to me. For example, when you are registering your car, the place you get your registration is not the same place you pay for it. So you have to go to this place and do some paperwork or whatever, they send you to some place across town to pay for it, then you have to go back to the first place and show them that you paid and then they give you the registration. Why don't they just take your money at the first place? It doesn't make sense right?!! Some of the things they do just boggle the mind! It's not all been bad though. I still feel good about being here and there are some really beautiful and good things to experience.
P.S. while I've been writing this the power has gone out. Lovely!
Anyway, I've got some pictures at last. I don't have any of my house because it's still kinda messy. It's a work in progress. But this is a picture of part of the drive to our house. Pretty much this drive was what sold me on wanting to live in this town. Some of the other places looked pretty ghetto but this was more like Tropical Paradise. I love the palm trees.

This is one of the beaches we drive past to get to church. It's really pretty. I took Rhys and Sasha on a walk there this morning and we saw some little crabs running around. One of the bummers about this place is that people leave garbage all over! So right behind me in the picture is a highway that is littered with trash. Its really upsetting because it's a beautiful beach that people have messed up.

I love these trees. I don't know the name of them but someone told me that they are Puerto Rico's state tree. They have these beautiful red flowers all over them. I want one.

Did I mention that we got Sasha? Well we did. This is what she does about 85% of the time. You can't see but there is a fan right by her head. The rest of the time she is following me around the house getting under foot. Our friends here have a little tiny white dog. She's about the size of a cat. She and Sasha have become friends and they like to play together. It's so cute cause the little dog thinks she's a big dog and Sasha doesn't know she's a big dog and the little dog bosses her around. They like to chase eachother and it's so funny.

Here's Rhys!! He's getting so big!! He's getting two bottom teeth now and starting to drool like a madman. He loves this little bouncy car.

He wasn't sure what to think about this hat. I thought it was funny.